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#95053 - I was fourteen when i first had sex it was with my neighbors mom it was a hot summer day and i was locked out of my house my parents had gone out and did not leave me kiss to my house i was thirsty and decided to go over next door and ask for a glass of water our neighbors were latino they had two kids a girl my age that i later went out with and an older son the mom ever since we moved caught my eye she was a hot beautiful women that had a great personality i was fourteen not really knowing alot about sex and shit but i knew that i was growing up and i had feelings as i knock on the door no one was home but her i was nervous and asked her if i could get a glass of water she was so sweet and asked me to come in and feel at home i sat down and began to look around the house she took about ten minutes to get me a glass of water when she did come back with the water she had changed had on a tight skirt and a shirt that showed me her entire breast wow! i was horny i asked her were every on

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Himari takakura
Bu iffet malum sahne de il mi yaa
Junpei manaka
Modie putting in work bruv