Front mission (1)
Freezing (4)
Final fantasy fables chocobos dungeon (1)
Fire emblem path of radiance (3)
Fire emblem awakening (38)
Final fantasy xv (30)
Final fantasy viii (26)
Final fantasy vi (13)
Fruits basket (12)
Fatal fury | garou densetsu (4)
Gunslinger girl (14)
Getsuyoubi no tawawa (41)
Gundam zz (36)
Gekitotsu no hexennacht (1)
Getbackers (2)
Gad guard (20)
Gundam (40)
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka | is the order a rabbit (30)
Gate - jietai kano chi nite kaku tatakaeri (7)
Galactic drifter vifam (3)
Guilty gear (147)
Gundam build divers (10)
Ghost in the shell (26)
Galaxy angel (44)
God eater (43)
Golden kamuy (13)
Gravion (2)
Gundam wing (35)
Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (8)
Grisaia no kajitsu (8)
Girl friend beta (15)
Growlanser (1)
Giant robo (30)
Gunbuster (5)
Genji tsuushin agedama (6)
Gundam age (10)
God of war (1)
Girls und panzer (611)
Genshiken (51)
Gravitation (15)
Gakuen alice (1)
Gokujou seitokai (4)
Glass mask (2)
Grand blue (2)
Goddess of victory nikke (5)
Galaxy fraulein yuna | ginga ojousama densetsu yuna (3)
Gunslinger stratos (3)
Gakusen toshi asterisk (3)
Ganbare robocon (1)
Groove adventure rave (1)
Giant killing (2)
Getter robo (5)
Groove adventure rave | rave master (1)
Godannar (5)
Gintama (83)
G gundam (23)
Ghostbusters (1)
Guilty crown (6)
Gear fighter dendoh (14)
Ground defense force mao-chan (1)
Gaogaigar (39)
Gatchaman (4)
Ganbare goemon | legend of the mystical ninja (2)
Goblin slayer (46)
Galaxy express 999 (17)
Gakkou no kaidan (16)
Galilei donna (2)
Gotoubun no hanayome | the quintessential quintuplets (25)
Getsumen to heiki mina (2)
Gunparade march (50)
Gakkou gurashi (11)
Guardian tales (2)
Ghost sweeper mikami (26)
Gundam g no reconguista (3)
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka (221)
Ga geijutsuka art design class (1)
Gundam build fighters (108)
Genmu senki leda (4)
Go princess precure (66)
Gakkatsu (1)
Ginga e kickoff (12)
Gundam seed (81)
Grandia (2)
Grimoire shiritsu grimoire mahou gakuen (1)
Girls bravo (4)
Gunsmith cats (8)
Gaogaigar | yuusha ou gaogaigar (6)
Gundam x (6)
Golden axe (1)
Goldfish warning (4)
Gundam build fighters try (92)
Gatchaman crowds (12)
Granblue fantasy (963)
Ganbare goemon (1)
Galaxy fight (6)
Gundam 0083 (13)
Gotoubun no hanayome (32)
Golden time (3)
Grisaia phantom trigger (1)
Gundam 00 (80)
Ginga sengoku gun yuuden rai (2)
Gosick (5)
Gundam seed destiny (143)
G-on riders (2)
Girls frontline (186)
Gotcha force (4)
Gate keepers (2)
Gall force (3)
Galaxy fraulein yuna (3)
Guardian heroes (3)
Gun x sword (6)
Geneshaft (2)
Gabriel dropout (19)
Gugure kokkuri-san (3)
Gakuen sousei nekoten (1)
Gundam unicorn (16)
Gj-bu (11)
Gundam f91 (1)
Girlish number (2)
Gantz (6)